카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 23:11QUESTION NO: 34

QUESTION NO: 34 The data set RALESTATE has the variable LOCALFEE with a format or 9. and a variable COUNTRYFEE with a format or 7.;The following SAS program is submitted: data history; format local fee country fee percent6.; set realestate; local fee = local fee / 100; country fee = country fee / 100; run; What are the formats of the variables LOCALFEE and COUNTRYFEE in the output dataset? A. LO..

카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 23:00QUESTION NO: 33

QUESTION NO: 33 The following SAS program is submitted: data temp.x; set sasuser.y; run; What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully? A. A LIBNAME statement for thelibref TEMP only must be submitted. B. A LIBNAME statement for thelibref SASUSER only must be submitted. C. LIBNAME statements for thelibrefs TEMP and SASUSER must be submitted. D. No LIBNA..

카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 22:54QUESTION NO: 32

QUESTION NO: 32 Given the raw data file EMPLOYEE: ----I----1 0---I----20---I----30 Ruth 39 11 Jose 32 22 Sue 30 33 John 40 44 The following SAS program is submitted: data test; infile'employee'; input employee_name $ 1-4; if employee_name = 'Ruth' then input idnum 10-11; else input age 7-8; run; What value does the variable IDNUM contain when the name of the employee is "Ruth"? A. 11 B. 22 C. 33..

카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 22:18QUESTION NO: 31

QUESTION NO: 31 Given the AIRPLANES data set AlRPLANES TYPE MPG F-18 105 C-130 25 Harrier 75 A-6 110 The following SAS program is submitted: data gt100; set airplanes(keep = type mpg load); load = mpg * 150; run; The program fails to execute due to syntax errors. What is the cause of the syntax error? A. MPG is not a numeric variable. B. LOAD is not a variable in the data set GT100. C. LOAD is n..

카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 22:11QUESTION NO: 30

QUESTION NO: 30 The following SAS program is submitted: data test; set chemists; if jobcode= 'Chem2' then description = 'Senior Chemist'; else description = 'Unknown'; run; The value for the variable JOBCODE is: JOBCODE chem2 What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION? A. chem2 B. Unknown C. Senior Chemist D. ' ' (missing character value) Answer: B Solution : chem2를 직접 대입해 보면 처음에 if문과 비교하게 된다..

카테고리 없음2019. 3. 10. 21:38QUESTION NO: 29

QUESTION NO: 29 The following SAS program is submitted: proc contents data = sashelp.class varnum; quit; What does the VARNUM option print? A. a list of variable names B. the total number of variables C. a list of the variables in alphabetic order D. a list of the variables in the order they were created Answer: D Solution : VARNUM의 기능을 알아두자 : a list of the variables in the order they were created
